Categories for Making a Claim

What are your service standards for handling claims?

“Claims are handled by the commercial insurance company which provides the particular policy you have and standards vary between them. All the commercial insurance companies that provide the policies available through the MCM Insurance website have agreed to pay a claim to you within 14 (fourteen) days of it being...

How do I make a claim?

All the documentation and information you need to start a claim with your insurer is available to you via your ‘secure’ account. Simply select the business insurance policy you wish to claim against and follow the link to the claims page. If you make a claim under your business insurance...

Do you check to see if I’ve had any claims?

In the event that you make a claim against a policy your insurer will almost certainly check to see if you have made any claims previously. It is important to declare any claims you have had, even if there was no loss in the end, or claims you think may...

My claim has not been paid – what do I do?

In the event that your claim is not paid by the insurer you should be told why. If you are not satisfied with the reason they provide you can request that the decision is reviewed, or you might choose to make a formal complaint to the insurer. Should this not...

When will my claim be paid?

All the commercial insurance companies that provide the policies available through the MCM Insurance website have agreed to pay a claim to you within 14 (fourteen) days of it being agreed.

Will MCM Insurance handle my claim?

No. Claims are handled by the insurance company which provides the particular business insurance policy you have. MCM Insurance will monitor the performance of its commercial insurance company partners in the handling and payment of claims to its customers.

Will you help with my claim?

Yes. If you have any questions or difficulties in relation to your claim you can contact the MCM Insurance Customer Service team via the website and they will do their best to assist you.